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Posts tagged ‘Mixed Media’

Vincent Minervini – Sculpture

Paintings and plaster cast sculptures.

Surrealist, pop-culture constructions are the terrain of Vincent Minervini’s layered works. Childlike whimsy, horror, and curiosity characterize these mixed media paintings, marrying oblique imagery with suggestive written messages. Images of popsicles, pancakes, and other common household products are prevalent throughout his work.

“I’m not one for creating a self-portrait. An image of myself, I believe, would seem distant and unfamiliar to the viewing public. Instead, I paint common corporate symbols, and advertising images that people immediately recognize and accept. Their altered representations become signifiers for myself, my feelings, and my statement on modern life.

There are nonsensical, intense, humorous works, sprinkled with mass market product iconography, the Icon’s faces are painted away or eliminated. Vincent uses these all-too-familiar elements as jump-off points from which to craft his surreal universe of suggestion and veils. I start a painting with an idea of what it is I’m trying to express within a certain place, but sometimes, the piece starts controlling me, keeping me up at night. Until finally, the piece takes over and instead reveals what it would rather express to me…and I accept it,
– then I smoke a cigarette.”

Artoniworld – Printmaking and Tee Shirts

Artoniworld is the unique vision of artist Artoni (Anthony C. Fletcher). Artoni has developed an amazing vision and creative spirit. All of his artworks, ideas and products emanate from a deeply soulful perspective that’s grounded in love of life, of family, and of our evolving humanity.