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The artist market event series Creative Grove

The ideal interactive community builder

The ideal interactive community builder


audience for teen musician

The Creative Grove artist & designer markets series in Jersey City NJ  ended with the last event

September 19 2014,

the initiative with the intent to grow an art scene, cultural enrichment  and a market place for artists and artisans could not obtain the necessary support to keep the programming alive. These initiatives are taken to areas and communities with more interest in art and culture…

We thank everyone who has participated, contributed, donated and shopped from the wonderful artists and designers , food and liquor vendors, directly supporting a local economy.

A special thanks to all deejays, performers, dancers, musicians bringing their precious energy to this courageous project in New Jersey’s swamps.

The photo stream to see the energy, the participants, manifestations, experiences and years is on

creativegrove flickr stream

About Us

Creative Grove is a meeting place, market, art experiment and scene that involves the public, promotes art and culture, and builds community space as a forum for dialogue and exchange.  A destination and place to relax, play and express yourself.